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Core Plugins

These plugins ship with ncms so all you have to do is import them and use. You will almost certainly want to use them in your project, so be sure to read each of their documentation.

SEO/head 🔗

This plugin lets you easily add meta tags and other SEO-related data to your Notion pages. This can be useful for improving your site's visibility in search engines and driving more traffic to your site.

Linker 🔗

By default links in your Notion content will only link to Notion itself. With this plugin you can transform internal links to maintain the structure of your website as written. In other words, internal links in Notion === internal links in your website!

Images 🔗

By default images included in Notion API responses are set to timeout their permissions after ONE HOUR. This is ultra shitty when generating a static site because your images end up not loading. Solution is to cache them, but now you can do just that with this plugin.

Custom Renderers 🔗

ncms tries pretty hard to give you reasonable defaults when rendering Notion block so that you end up with a nice looking result out of the box. Buuuuuut, you may find yourself wanting to render a particular block in a special way that makes your life easier or gives a snazzier result. Enter ncms custom renderers. They unlock very powerful patterns when using NotionCMS that give you capability to transform any Notion block into whatever you imagine.

Community Plugins

Segment 🔗

Extremely simple, and great example plugin if you are looking to write your own. All it does is looks for <hr>s (or --- s) in your Notion pages and splits the page into segments based on the horizontal rules. The segments can be used to build your site pages in more structured or interesting ways.


Some of your pages in Notion db will be high up on the list of ones you want users to visit. Usually these go in a navbar or some such common structure. Navigation plugin lets you identify pages to put in this navigation structure and access a special object just for those pages.


Templates (and email) coming soon

NotionCMS comes with a powerful templating system that makes it easy to turn your Notion pages into email templates, invoices, or anything else you need. By using Notion as your CMS, you can keep all your content in one place and use it to power all your marketing efforts.

The email plugin lets you create beautiful email templates directly in Notion, then send them out to your subscribers using your email provider of choice. You can even use the same templates to create invoices, receipts, and other important documents.

Check out our documentation for more information on how to get started with templates and email in NotionCMS.


Mermaid Diagrams coming soon

Like writing mermaid diagrams to explain an idea? Now you can include them in your ncms website in an extremely performant way. This plugin converts the diagrams into images and caches them.


Schema.org coming soon

The Schema.org plugin is another powerful tool that NotionCMS offers. It allows you to add structured data to your pages, which can help search engines better understand your content and improve your search rankings. This can be especially useful for e-commerce sites or other types of sites that have a lot of structured data.

Forms coming soon

This forms plugin lets you create forms that enable users to submit data directly to your inbox.

Vue Renderer coming soon

The Vue Renderer allows you to easily render your Notion pages as Vue components. This can be extremely useful for building dynamic applications that leverage Notion as a CMS.

Internationalization (I18n) coming soon

If you're building a multilingual site or if you want to provide your content in multiple languages, NotionCMS also supports internationalization (I18n) out of the box. By leveraging Notion's flexible database properties, you can easily create a multi-language site without having to worry about managing multiple databases or content repositories.

Build your own!

NotionCMS is a highly extensible package that allows you to build your own plugins to fit your workflow. Whether you need to add custom logic to your templates, render pages as React components, or integrate with third-party services, NotionCMS makes it easy to extend the functionality of your headless CMS.

Check out our documentation for more information on building your own plugins and creating custom workflows with NotionCMS.

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